Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday 18th April 2012

18th April 2012

At long last we have a lid on the house and considering the amount of rain we have experienced in the last week it’s a wonder they managed to get it done. Plumbers and electricians have been hard at it and the chippies have finished for a week or two until the windows arrive and following that the cladding will be attached. As I write this a team of scaffolder’s are removing the main structure from the front of the house as can be seen from the photos and are in the process of setting up other scaffolding around the house to facilitate window installation and cladding. I believe stairs will be installed on Thursday, hence the blue building paper to keep the area as dry as possible. Lock up should take another couple of weeks and the builder consider it will take approximately 3 ½ months to completion.

Returned our caravan to the manufacturer yesterday to address damage caused by water ingress and eliminate the leaks, lets hope they do a proper job where it can’t be seen. In the meantime Nancy and I have to sleep on the lounge room floor.

Nancy had a flu and whooping cough injection a couple of week ago and has been quite sick ever since. Son David had his needle last week and has been sick ever since and I had my flu injection Monday and have been quite ill ever since. Dr said there wouldn’t be any reaction !!!! Guess it must have been something else that struck us all down – coincidentally we had all been to the same Dr.
I even fell asleep in an armchair mid-morning, I don’t know if that’s old age catching up or the fact I feel like dying.

They can’t get rid of me that easily.

Putting the roof on

Scaffolding removal shows the profile better

Temporary blue tarps protect the stairwell from rain

sparky stringing wires everywhere

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

11th April 2012

11th April 2012
Weather wise we had the best Easter I can remember for many years, the days have been quite warm and sunny with very little wind really good for picnickers and campers and judging by the TV reports beaches have been getting a hammering from people enjoying the beautiful spell, it is certainly different from the usual Easter full moon weather of either rain or strong winds or both, let’s hope it lasts.

Re: the house we didn’t get a roof on by Easter I’m not sure why but I believe there is still a little preparation to complete. Scaffolding has been erected all around the house for safety and no doubt a crane will arrive sometime next week to unload and lift roof sheeting into place.
            Plumbing is currently being installed so we now have a network of different coloured and sizes of pipes running through the place and once again the workmanship is neat and tidy.  Rainwater from our underground tank is fed to the toilets and laundry, this pipework is green whereas the rest is a dark coloured synthetic pipe made in Germany, not poly pipe.
Chippies are currently drilling holes every where and threading massive long bolts through the walls and down to the concrete where it is drilled and the bolts glued in.
The window rep came on Tuesday morning and we spent a couple of hours doing the final location and selection of windows (there goes the budget again) and the roofers arrived this afternoon and started preparing for the roof installation. Colourbond battens have now been fixed in place and specially made oversized facias are being fixed also so roofing this week looks like a reality at this stage.

Winter came this morning in the guise of a westerly wind, I think it was a few degrees below average all day although nice and sunny, yesterday it was a few degrees above average, no wonder we all get colds this time of the year.


Saturday, April 07, 2012

Nice neat plumbing note the green rainwater supply

Rafters in place

Treated pine to beat the termites

Safety scaffolding everywhere

From the back next door