Monday, January 23, 2012

22nd January 2012

Here we are at the end of another week, at least we had some activity this week. Plumbers and machinery arrived onsite Thursday to do their bit before anymore concrete can be laid. Being the first dry day all week it was certainly nice arriving back from my morning ride at 6.30 to find people getting ready to do something. After watching two plumbers and an excavator work steadily all day, i've come to the conclusion that this has to be the most complex design for the base of a house I have ever come across and the strangest way of going about it. According to the builder they still cannot lay the slab section until all the structural steel bracing has been set up a most extraordinary method of construction and one the builder hasn't struck in ten years of business. Why the structural engineer has designed it so complex is anyones guess, perhaps it's a British method as I believe the engineer is English (and of course he's not the one paying). End result is there will be at least another weeks delay at least, while the steel work is fabricated and set up.
I'll keep you posted.


1 comment:

  1. Good to hear what's happening. I've been wondering how it was all going. I guess with floods etc the engineer is making sure it strong enough. But I know how frustrating it can all seem. Once the slab is down I'm sure you'll be amazed by the progress made.
