Saturday, March 31, 2012

31st March 2012 Continuing Progress

31st March 2012

Progress on the house continues and with a bit of luck we may even get a roof on by Easter, that would be nice.
Since my last update in-spite of numerous annoying disruptions due to rain squalls, our resilient chippies have managed to frame up the second level and almost finish securing roof trusses. We are happy with progress and quality of workmanship, to-date everyone that has been involved so far seem to be very particular to ensure everything is done well and correctly, double checking measurements and their plans constantly. Last Friday Lisa and I had a meeting with the electrician to finalise light positions and power points, it was reasonably straight forward, most of it having been established by the architect and lighting supplier. Needless to say the architect had a million lights drawn in so it looked like a lighting store, the lady at the lighting store being more practical and probably more experienced reduced the number of lights considerably and the sparky in turn re-arranged some of the locations and even cut out a couple, guess we can always use candles. All in all it has saved us a few hundred dollars.
The next thing is to finalise our windows, we do have a window schedule but we are not completely happy with some of the window selections and I am worried my own selection will blow the budget completely out of the water so we may have a bit of juggling to do once the quotes come in.

Weather is settling down nicely it is still nice and warm but the horrible humidity has reduced considerably, early mornings are getting quite cool and blankets are getting pulled up during the night (I think we are all getting soft as we get older). Incidents of rain are getting less frequent by the day and I believe they have officially announced the El’Nino effect has finished. I knew once the roof was on we wouldn’t get anymore rain for ages or at least until they want to paint the house.

Changing the subject we have discovered a leak in the caravan that has caused some damage and how much I’m not sure until they pull some panelling off. It looks as if we have had a leak since new without us being aware. The caravan builder has asked us to put it into his factory for the second week of April to address the problem, in the meantime we have tarped up the aircon as that’s the suspected point of entry, fingers crossed there is nothing serious behind the panelling.  



The crane dwarfing the caravan and a bit close.

Taken in a northerly direction from the rear 2nd floor framing nearly finished.

Front cnr from across the road 

Inspection time, the sun comes up in the front right hand corner
The front is in the direction of the large tree.

Another load of timber and a tight squeeze for a semi to get in.

OH&S well catered for, no wonder building costs are high.

Roof trusses being placed, hope OH&S weren't looking.

Don't know why it's so high must think there's another level going up.

Most of the roof trusses in place and starting to take shape.

Renting next door has been a bonus for the builder

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